Once upon a time in the construction game there was only manual, paper-based methods of being able to capture time on a project for your workforce. Fast forward the clock to 2022, and now paper-based time tracking methods are being replaced by time tracking software for the construction industry. As it turns out, yes, there is an app for that! Construction time tracking software can play a significant role in ensuring efficient business operations. Using a simple time management tool for your construction project can allow your company the benefit of not only going paperless but saving you countless hours of tedious administration time in the process.
Today, software can help minimize time taken to complete tasks such as time tracking, payroll, billing and general administration of paper-based processing. This same software also promotes compliance with the original scope of time estimated at the initial project management stage which allows your business to better analyze team productivity for each project undertaken. Simply put, if you aren’t paperless and still manually managing your time, you’re missing out on a world of benefit from a time, money and hassle saving perspective.
Gone are the days when big businesses need to rely on manually input paper-based systems to reconcile time spent on a project. Many businesses have made the move to digital, automated time tracking systems to be able to improve their efficiencies, productivity and workflow. Let’s face it, time is becoming a rarer and rarer commodity these days. But now there are smart, very easy to use systems available that can be applied to small, medium and large sized organization’s that don’t require the power of an enterprise style system and still save you a small fortune in money and also countless hours of time. Time management app are also extremely cost effective compared to their benefits associated.
With the help of automated construction time tracking software, you can quickly identify project related tasks that are being undertaken and simply schedule them for your team members to action. As a manager or owner of a business, you can schedule tasks as needed to close out a project, which saves duplication of work and administrative hassle. It is also very easy to reconcile and invoice your clients for time spent with access to a simple reporting function which provides real time updates for time being tracked via the digital dashboard.
Using construction time management software can also help businesses of all sizes to effectively organize their teams, wherever they might be located. If you are currently working remotely or locally with a small team, effective time tracking is imperative for you to be able to keep a clear register of where your workforce’s time is being spent. You could very well have employees working in 10 different locations around the world and you could easily and effectively track and manage your workforce’s time by simple usage of your time management software.
And with the help of construction time management software, you can set deadlines that will encourage your employees to stay focused on the right tasks to ensure they stay productive regardless of where they are working. A simple time management app will also help you to look back at your historical data of a similar projects undertaken to help you understand how much time a project takes for tasks that have a more regular frequency like general maintenance services as an example.
Effective time management in construction projects is essential to successfully and efficiently meet budgets and achieve project milestones profitably and efficiently with minimal time wasted in the process. A construction project can suffer unnecessary costs and delays due to poor time management and duplication of tasks.
Using the capabilities of an effective construction time management tool allows businesses to have complete visibility of all the tasks associated with a project and also provides management with detailed end of month reporting which can be used to help with invoicing as well as business improvements to spend the right time on the right tasks as a collective business.
Construction time tracking software can help both teams and employees focus on the right tasks and avoid duplication and confusion. It can also help them to easily keep track of their personal time spent on a task so they can ensure they are spending their time on the right things.
It also allows management the tools to be able to see where teams are working well and where they need to improve so it has benefits for both groups.
With the help of the construction time tracking app, you can customize everything you need to track, and it also helps digitally in tracking hours and streamlining payroll. The construction time tracking app is essential because it helps you quickly monitor which employee is working over which task and keeps your employees on track by assigning them a certain number of hours for each task.
With the help of construction time tracking software, you can identify eliminate wasted time which not only increases team productivity but also promotes faster processing of invoicing with no duplication and less chance of administrative errors associated with paper-based time management processes.
And for the cost of less than a cup of coffee per week for each user who subscribes, the benefits to the employer can be enormous over a sustained period of time.
The jury’s out on the use of time tracking software for small business but one thing can be said for certain, once your business adopts a paperless approach to time management, very rarely if ever do they move backwards from this. The right time tracking app can offer many benefits that can supercharge your company’s ability to ultimately save time and money.
JCards have created a leading, best practice solution for time tracking software that provides all these features and more for clients operating in the construction sector. The JCards app is super easy to use and even easier to set up for the onboarding of new team members. To learn more about the many benefits we provides simply download our software via the app store here.