
Add Unlimited Staff

JCards Time Tracking App is for project managers, freelancers, and entrepreneurs. JCards allows you to add unlimited staff in the app — which is handy if you need a little extra help with your daily tasks. 

It’s easy to add unlimited staff to your project so you can keep track of everyone’s progress. JCards makes it easy to enter time-tracking data for your team members and assign them tasks in real time. 

No more time wasted on manual timesheet entry. Get started in easy steps.

Add Unlimited Clients

JCards is a great option for people who are interested in adding unlimited clients to their time tracking app. This way, you can track multiple clients at once and monitor the progress of each one. You can add clients to your time tracking app in just a few clicks. The app is easy to use and provides an overview of your clients, projects, and time spent on each project.

Add Unlimited Jobs

Our Time Tracking app lets you create multiple jobs and add unlimited hours to each job. You can also log in remotely to view your previous entries. So if you are in business and want to track your field crew’s time, this is the best app for you!

Stop wasting time on the clock. Time Tracking App is a web-based time tracking system that’s simple to use and very affordable. If you’re tired of clocking in and out, there’s no better time to invest in a software solution.

Keep your Team & Clients on track with JCards

Time Tracking App is a powerful project management app for Android and iOS that helps you to organise and manage your team’s work and business. With this app, you can add unlimited staff, unlimited clients, and unlimited jobs. You have the ability to view workers’ time spent on a job, get notifications for upcoming deadlines, update your staff’s information and much more.  You’ll experience increased productivity and better management of your time, all while maintaining accurate records of what your team accomplished throughout the day or week.

Frequently Asked Questions About Staff & Client Management

No, there are no setup fees for the Staff & Client Management feature in JCards. You can get started by signing up for a Free Trial on the JCards website, which gives you unrestricted access to all the features of the Desktop and Mobile apps for a 30-day period.

To avail of the Free Trial, simply sign up and register on the JCards website. This will grant you access to all the features of the Desktop and Mobile apps for a duration of 30 days. During the trial period, you can explore and experience the functionality of the Staff & Client Management feature and assess its suitability for your needs.

Yes, the JCards Staff & Client Management feature allows you to add unlimited staff members. Whether you are a project manager, freelancer, or entrepreneur, you can easily manage and keep track of all your team members’ progress by adding them to the app. This feature is particularly beneficial when you require additional support for your daily tasks.

The Staff & Client Management feature in JCards provides a time-tracking app that allows you to log hours, track tasks, and manage your staff efficiently. By entering time-tracking data for your team members in real-time and assigning tasks, you can easily monitor their progress and ensure effective time management. This eliminates the need for manual timesheet entry and streamlines the process of tracking and managing your staff’s activities.

Yes, the JCards Staff & Client Management app enables you to add unlimited clients. This feature is particularly useful for individuals who need to track multiple clients simultaneously and monitor the progress of each one. With just a few clicks, you can add clients to your time tracking app, gaining an overview of your clients, projects, and the time spent on each project.

Absolutely! The JCards Staff & Client Management app allows you to create multiple jobs and add unlimited hours to each job. This feature provides flexibility and scalability for businesses that require job tracking and time management. Additionally, the app allows you to log in remotely and view previous entries, making it convenient for tracking field crew’s time and managing job-related activities.

The JCards Staff & Client Management app serves as a powerful project management tool for organising and managing your team’s work and business. With the ability to add unlimited staff, clients, and jobs, you can ensure that everyone stays on track and productive. The app provides features such as tracking workers’ time spent on jobs, receiving notifications for upcoming deadlines, and updating staff information, all of which contribute to improved productivity and effective time management.

Yes, the Staff & Client Management app in JCards is accessible from multiple devices. You can use the app on your desktop computer, as well as on Android and iOS devices. This allows you to manage your staff, clients, and jobs conveniently from any device with internet access, providing flexibility and accessibility.

The JCards Staff & Client Management app enhances productivity and time management by providing a centralised platform to track staff activities, manage clients, and monitor job progress. With features like task assignment, time tracking, and real-time updates, you can streamline workflow, allocate resources efficiently, and ensure timely completion of projects. This leads to improved productivity, better time utilisation, and effective management of your team’s activities.